Concise Minutes - Health and Social Care Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: Thursday, 15 October 2015

Meeting time: 09.32 - 11.18
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:




Assembly Members:

Alun Davies AM

John Griffiths AM

Altaf Hussain AM

Elin Jones AM

Darren Millar AM

Lynne Neagle AM

Gwyn R Price AM

Lindsay Whittle AM

Kirsty Williams AM

Keith Davies AM


Mark Drakeford AM, The Minister for Health and Social Services, The Minister for Health and Social Services

Kate Johnson, Welsh Government

David Pritchard, Welsh Government

Mari Williams, Welsh Government

Committee Staff:

Llinos Madeley (Clerk)

Helen Finlayson (Second Clerk)

Rhys Morgan (Deputy Clerk)

Gareth Howells (Legal Adviser)

Gareth Pembridge (Legal Adviser)




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1       Introductions, apologies and substitutions

1.1 As apologies were received from the Chair of the Committee, David Rees, the Clerk called for nominations for the election of a Temporary Chair in accordance with Standing Order 17.22. Darren Millar nominated Lynne Neagle, who was duly elected.


1.2 Keith Davies substituted for David Rees.



2       Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Bill - Stage 2 - consideration of amendments

2.1 In accordance with Standing Order 26.21, the Committee disposed of the following amendments to the Bill:

Amendment 149 (Lindsay Whittle) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 74 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 75 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 76 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 77 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 78 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 79 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 150 (Lindsay Whittle)

In favour



Altaf Hussain

Alun Davies


Elin Jones

Keith Davies


Darren Millar

John Griffiths


Lindsay Whittle

Lynne Neagle


Kirsty Williams

Gwyn Price


As the vote was tied, the Temporary Chair used her casting vote in the negative (in accordance with SO 6.20(ii)). Therefore amendment 150 was not agreed.


Amendment 151 (Lindsay Whittle)

In favour



Altaf Hussain

Alun Davies


Elin Jones

Keith Davies


Darren Millar

John Griffiths


Lindsay Whittle

Lynne Neagle


Kirsty Williams

Gwyn Price


As the vote was tied, the Temporary Chair used her casting vote in the negative (in accordance with SO 6.20(ii)). Therefore amendment 151 was not agreed.


Amendment 152 (Lindsay Whittle)

In favour



Altaf Hussain

Alun Davies


Elin Jones

Keith Davies


Darren Millar

John Griffiths


Lindsay Whittle

Lynne Neagle


Kirsty Williams

Gwyn Price


As the vote was tied, the Temporary Chair used her casting vote in the negative (in accordance with SO 6.20(ii)). Therefore amendment 152 was not agreed.


Amendment 80 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 81 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 82 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 83 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 84 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 85 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 86 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 87 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 159 (Kirsty Williams) was not moved.

Amendment 88 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 116 (Altaf Hussain) was withdrawn.

Amendment 117 (Altaf Hussain) was not moved.

As amendment 116 (Altaf Hussain) was withdrawn, amendment 118 (Altaf Hussain) fell.

As amendment 117 (Altaf Hussain) was not moved, amendment 119 (Altaf Hussain) fell.

As amendment 116 (Altaf Hussain) was withdrawn, amendment 120 (Altaf Hussain) fell.

As amendment 117 (Altaf Hussain) was not moved, amendment 121 (Altaf Hussain) fell.

As amendment 116 (Altaf Hussain) was withdrawn, amendment 122 (Altaf Hussain) fell.

As amendment 117 (Altaf Hussain) was not moved, amendment 123 (Altaf Hussain) fell.

Amendment 89 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 90 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 91 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 92 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 93 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 94 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 95 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 96 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 97 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 98 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 99 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 100 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 101 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 153 (Lindsay Whittle) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 154 (Lindsay Whittle) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 155 (Lindsay Whittle)

In favour



Altaf Hussain

Alun Davies


Elin Jones

Keith Davies


Darren Millar

John Griffiths


Lindsay Whittle

Lynne Neagle


Kirsty Williams

Gwyn Price


As the vote was tied, the Temporary Chair used her casting vote in the negative (in accordance with SO 6.20(ii)). Therefore amendment 155 was not agreed.


Amendment 124 (Altaf Hussain)

In favour



Altaf Hussain

Alun Davies

Kirsty Williams

Darren Millar

Keith Davies



John Griffiths



Elin Jones



Lynne Neagle



Gwyn Price



Lindsay Whittle


Amendment 124 was not agreed.


Amendment 105 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 106 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 107 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 108 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 102 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 103 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

Amendment 104 (Mark Drakeford) was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 17.34(i).

As amendment 150 was not agreed, amendment 125 (Lindsay Whittle) fell.

2.2 All sections and schedules of the Bill were deemed agreed by the Committee.



3       Papers to note



3.1   Minutes of the meeting on 1 October 2015

3.1a The Committee noted the minutes of the meeting on 1 October 2015.



4       Motion under Standing Orders 17.42(vi) and (ix) to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of this meeting and items 1 and 2 of the meeting on 21 October 2015

4.1 The motion was agreed.



5       Welsh Government Budget 2016-17: consideration of the Committee's approach to scrutiny

5.1 The Committee considered and agreed its approach to scrutiny of the Welsh Government’s Draft Budget for 2016-17.

5.2 The Committee agreed to write to the Minister for Health and Social Services and Deputy Minister for Health seeking information to inform its scrutiny.
